Invest a little cash and get a big improvement in how your home looks and feels. The editors of This Old House give you their top tips:
1-DIY Your Old Bathroom Cabinets’
If you are going for a high impact DIY project for the bathroom, one that is cheap to do but worth your time and money.
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2-Laundry-Room Chandelier
Suspend a chandelier in the laundry room for a bit of sophistication in an unexpected place. White Capiz pendant with cord kit. Click Here

3-Old Room With Paint
Covering only one wall will cost less and won’t take as much time as painting the whole room.
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4-A Lasting First Impression
A faded, outdated, or squeaky door doesn’t make a good first impression and it may not provide much in the line of security or keeping out drafts. Detail Here

5-Turn a Closet Into a Home Office
Unhinge the door and trade hanging rods for shelves—a deep one for the desktop and two shallow ones above for storage.
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6-Make A Pallet Wall
I do to update my bedroom walls from ordinary sheetrock to farmhouse country chic for practically no money? I found the dream tutorial, that’s how!
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The tools for most jobs such as shovels, rakes, and a wheelbarrow are things you probably already have in your garage.
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8-Create Cubbies in a Bookcase
Cut vertical dividers to the depth of the unit minus ¾ inch, and secure them in place with glue and finish nails.
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9-Concrete Countertop DIY
Nothing says modern chic decor like concrete austere fixtures. Detail Here